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The Delaware Valley Hockey League is a Tier 2 Youth Ice Hockey League Sanctioned by USA Hockey


Here, you will find the entire Delaware Valley Hockey League (DVHL) rules/regulations that outline and define the league’s operation.

All coaches, managers, volunteers, and parents need to be familiar with the most up-to-date version of the League’s Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies. These rules, regulations, and policies define the structure and support for the DVHL and the affiliate (the District) to provide a meaningful experience for all children in our league.


  1. No Club may accept a player who has an outstanding monetary obligation to another club in the District as noted on the District Financial Obligation List published prior to the start of each new season.
  2. The outstanding financial list regulations shall be in accordance with AAHA Rules and Regulations.


    1. Tryouts are defined by allowing a player to be evaluated for a team without first signing the Player Agreement Form for the club for the season for which that player is being evaluated.
    2. Evaluations are defined as the player/parent first signing the Player Agreement Form prior to stepping foot onto the ice and then be evaluated to be placed onto a team within the club.
    3. At the 14U, 16U and 18U levels:
      1. Open tryouts will be held in accordance with AAHA, and USA Hockey approved and published dates.
      2. Clubs can begin pre-registering for tryouts on the date set by the DVHL.
      3. Clubs may charge a tryout fee.
      4. Clubs cannot put the tryout fee as a credit toward the players registration fee if placed onto a team.
      5. No contracts for the club can be signed prior to the Atlantic District allowed dates.
      6. The tryout fee may be stated as ‘non-refundable’.
    4. At the 6U, 8U, 10U and 12U levels:
      1. Open evaluations will be held in accordance with AAHA, and USA Hockey approved dates.
      2. Clubs can begin pre-registering for evaluations on the date set by the DVHL.
      3. Clubs may charge an evaluation fee.
      4. Clubs cannot put the evaluation fee as a credit toward the players registration fee if placed onto a team.
      5. No contracts for the club can be signed prior to the Atlantic District allowed dates.
      6. The evaluation fee may be stated as ‘non-refundable’.
      7. Players/parents must sign a player agreement form with the club prior to being evaluated to be placed onto a team.
    5. No player may participate in any on ice activities (other than tryouts at the 14U, 16U and 18U levels) of a DVHL club unless the player and the player’s parent/guardian has signed a registration agreement to play for and/or be financially committed to that club for the intended season. A player who is assigned to an In-House program is automatically released from the signed Player Agreement Form. If assigned to an In-House program, the evaluation/tryout fee is not refundable.
    6. Once a player has signed a registration agreement to play for and/or be financially committed to the club, that player can then be evaluated to play on a team with that club.
    7. Clubs have limited discretion with regard to cutting players. Players may be cut under the following circumstances.
      1. Clubs may cut players from their program (12U, 10U, Mite, AA, A, B, C,) only where the number of players at any age level makes the formation of a team a financially impractical situation.

Note that when available, assigning a player to an In-house team or developmental travel team not in the DVHL (either club-sponsored or rink-sponsored) is permitted and is not considered the same as cutting a player. Any cut or any assignment to an In-House program or developmental travel team must occur at the time of evaluation (example – if you hold your evaluations in May and do not make final travel team assignments until September, the cut or assignment of the player to an In-House or developmental travel team must occur in May at the evaluation).  Cutting a player or assignment of a player to an In-House program or developmental travel team at any time other than at the evaluations, will be considered a violation of this section. A cut or an assignment of a player to an In–House program or developmental travel team automatically releases the player from the Club registration agreement and the player is free to be registered and evaluated by any other DVHL club. Any cut or assignment to an in-house or developmental travel team must be in writing and contain the aforementioned release. Not with withstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, if at any time after the evaluation process a team, but not an individual player, is eliminated because it is financially impractical, the Club may offer those affected players a spot in an in-house program or developmental travel program if available without being in violation of this section.

  1. Evaluations may not occur any earlier than 48 hours after the USA Hockey Tier II National Tournament is completed unless directed differently by the Atlantic District.
  2. Any player who signs a Club registration form and/or makes a financial commitment to that Club will remain the property of that Club for the balance of the season, unless released by that Club in writing.
    1. Verbal releases will be permitted, provided the verbal release is given to the appropriate Vice President of that level, Commissioner, or member of the Executive Committee.
    2. A written AAHA release must follow. However, this player must be rostered by December 31st of that playing season.
    3. Should a player not be able to obtain a release from their Club, he shall have the right to appeal to the Executive Committee.
    4. Subsequent appeals must comply with USA Bylaw 10

    Section 3 — Rostering

    1. Rostering will occur by age division.
      1. Each Club will list on the DVHL website electronically, as well as with USA Hockey a list of all players rostered for each team prior to the first league game of that Club’s teams in that age division.
      2. Additions to a team’s roster must be accomplished by using the “Player Addition Form/Electronic or otherwise, prior to the player’s participating in a League game.
      3. Player additions must be approved by the appropriate VP, or by any Executive member if that VP is not available prior to the player participating in a league game. Failure to get approval prior to playing the player could result in a forfeit for playing an illegal player.
      4. The Player Addition Form is for adding a player to a team’s roster from outside the club’s organization and will need to be accompanied by the proper release paperwork from another club if appropriate.
      5. Additions to the roster may not be made after December 31st, except for relocation of greater than twenty (20) miles, or the player has never played organized hockey (Tier I or II club hockey). House leagues are eligible.
      6. The B American division may add players after Dec. 31st, upon approval of the Vice President of the B American division, all the way up to playoff weekend. However, only players that are added up to Dec. 31st are eligible to play in the playoffs.
      7. Appeals to roster additions, after cutoffs, must be made to the appropriate Vice President, and proper player movement forms submitted, as prescribed in this Article.
    2. Each team is to have an official, completed DVHL Rostering Form for that team submitted to, and in the hands of the appropriate Vice President, prior to the team’s first DVHL game. Otherwise, the offending organization will be fined as established by the Fees, Fines and Miscellaneous Charges Schedule and/or forfeit as decided by the Executive Committee that game and all subsequent games involving non-submission of the roster(s). No protest will be entertained for the failure to abide by this rule.
    3. A player can be rostered on only one (1) DVHL club and cannot participate or be rostered on another AAHA District tournament or USA Hockey National Tournament bound roster.
    4. No player will be allowed to play in a League game unless rostered on both the DVHL Roster as well as the USA Hockey Roster.
    5. Any team that has a player who participates in a DVHL League game that is not rostered on either the DVHL roster and, the USA Hockey roster will forfeit one game as an error allowance. However, that team may not be eligible to advance to DVHL playoffs, AAHA District Tournaments or USA Hockey Nationals if that team is penalized the second time for playing an ineligible player.
    6. A player must play a minimum of 1/2 (50.0%) of all their division’s league games to be eligible for playoffs. If the number of league games is not evenly divisible by 2, then normal rounding would occur (e.g., 21 games, 10.5-11 games required; 23 games, 11.5 with 12 games required). Exception to the minimum requirements will be for documented medical reasons as confirmed by an MD/DO of that profession and approved by the appropriate Vice President.
    7. Whenever an ineligible or suspended player’s name appears on a game sheet as an eligible player, the game will be played and is subject to protest and/or forfeit as determined by the DVHL Rules & Regulations.
    8. The roster of each team on a probationary Club is limited to having a maximum of three (3) players who were rostered with other DVHL Clubs in the previous year.
      1. This would include the rosters of teams from DVHL Clubs that may choose to participate in either the CBHL or NJYHL.
      2. These players must have a written release from their previous Club to be rostered on a probationary Club.
      3. The only exceptions are: Prior, written agreement from affected Clubs in the area of the new Club or in the event that a member club ceases operations by a formal vote of its members and presents a written notice of the termination of that club made to the President of the DVHL
    9. Team rosters for teams on probationary Clubs, including at least ten (10) players registered with that Club, must be received by the President by the August regularly scheduled DVHL meeting of the current season.
    10. At least ten (10) players on such a roster must be “frozen” and may not be removed from that roster for the current playing season.
    11. A female player may be rostered both on a boys’ and girls’ team on the same or separate DVHL organizations during the same competitive season unless those teams are in the same division.
      1. If the player is playing in the same division on those separate teams, that player must declare the sole team they can play on by December 31st, if applicable.
    12. The definition of an illegal player is defined by any of the DVHL Bylaws, DVHL Rules & Regulations, AAHA Bylaws, and AAHA Rules & Regulations being violated regarding player regulations.
    13. Any coach who is found to have played an illegal player will be subject to suspension for ten (10) league games and the organization will be fined $1,000.00) as well as those games to be subject to paragraph E above.
    14. The ineligible player who participated in any game will be suspended for five (5) league games.
    15. It is the responsibility of the club to ensure that all their players are listed on both the DVHL and USA Hockey rosters.
    16. Whenever an ineligible or suspended player’s name appears on a game sheet as an eligible player, the game will be played and is subject to protest and/or forfeit.
    17. The roster of each team on a probationary Club is limited to having a maximum of two (2) players who were rostered with other DVHL Clubs in the previous year.
      1. This would include the rosters of teams from DVHL Clubs that may choose to participate in either the CBHL or NJYHL.
      2. These players must have a written release from their previous Club to be rostered on a probationary Club.
      3. The only exceptions are: Prior, written agreement from affected Clubs in the area of the new Club or if a club ceases operation.

    Section 4 — Tier I, Tier II, and Junior Players

    1. Any player or players having been registered or having participated in a league game for a Tier I youth, or Junior level team during the current season, may not participate on a DVHL team unless that player is deleted from the Tier I youth or Junior team roster for the current season. (Tier I youth means Atlantic League or equivalent whether independent or tournament bound, or any Junior Team USAH or independent. This does not include Female players playing on Tier I Girls teams.)
      1. Such a move must be approved by the Executive Committee.
      2. Once having been rostered on a DVHL team, the movement of that player, or players back to a Tier 1 or junior team shall be cause for protest and possible forfeit of any DVHL games in which such player(s) participated.
      3. Tier 1 includes both Major and Minor players in both the National and American divisions.
    2. No DVHL rostered player may participate with a Tier I team in any capacity, regardless of games, tournaments, practices, etc., without the prior written approval by their Tier II Club President. Any player who is found not in compliance with this bylaw can be subject to suspension for the remainder of the season and the player must be removed from the Tier I roster before playing their next DVHL game.
    3. No DVHL rostered player may participate on any other Atlantic District Tier II designated team other than girls playing on an all-girls team not in the DVHL, i.e., MAWHA.

    Section 5 — General Rules

    1. Birth records must be available for inspection by a member of the Executive Committee. Any player who cannot secure a birth certificate or other satisfactory proof of age may obtain a permit to play by appearing before the Commissioner with one of their parents who must make a satisfactory affidavit regarding the player’s age.

    Section 6 — Tampering

    1. Tampering is defined as recruiting of a rostered and/or registered player without the prior written approval from the organization of the rostered and/or registered player.
    2. No coach, manager or club official connected with a registered team may entice, influence, or otherwise tamper with a player rostered with another registered team without the prior written approval of a club president or their designee. The DVHL president must be advised in writing by the club president of any designee.
    3. A release will not be effective until it has been received in writing and signed by the current officer of the association who is not a parent of the player, or a member of the team involved.
    4. After fully investigating the matter, the Executive Committee may invoke the following penalties:
      1. To the player, a rostered, protected player who takes the ice with another team without prior written approval may not play for that organization for at least the remainder of the current season, regardless of obtaining a subsequent release.
      2. To all others, any individual or organization that violates the above rules is also subject to fine, probation or suspension, or may not be eligible to participate in DVHL playoffs or a District Tournament.

    Section 7 — Player Movement

    1. Until December 31st, each team will be allowed ten (10) moves within an age division and/or between age divisions (goalies exempt). This does not include assignment of a player to an In-House program which must occur at the time of player evaluations per Section 3 of the Rules & Regulations.
    2. Unless approved by the appropriate Vice President (or to any member of the Executive Committee if the appropriate Vice President is unavailable), players will not be permitted to move down and play in a lower division unless that move is a permanent one. Such a player will not be eligible to be considered for any further movement for the remainder of the season. All player movement must be to a higher division or level.
    3. A move in any direction is considered one (1) move.
    4. Notification of these moves must be made (by telephone) to the appropriate Vice President (or to any member of the Executive Committee if the appropriate Vice President is unavailable) PRIOR to the player’s participating in a DVHL game.
    5. The completed “Player Movement Confirmation Form” must be filed electronically on the DVHL website within five (5) days of the “moved” player’s effective date for participation in League play (at the new level). A return email confirming the move and/or the addition of the player by the appropriate VP to the DVHL web-based roster is acceptable confirmation as well. The Player Movement Form is to be used only for an internal move within the DVHL.
    6. Failure to follow the above procedures may cause the player to be declared ineligible, and the game to be forfeited.
    7. Goalies may be moved from one team to another team (at division or level within a division) on an exception basis.
      1. This move must be approved by the appropriate Vice President, or member of the Executive Committee, in the absence of the Vice President.
    8. Once a player is deleted from your roster, that player cannot be added back to your roster except as described in section 3A. Any exception to this rule must be presented to the Executive Committee for final approval.
    9. Player additions and player movements to a team that had been granted their petition during the petitioning process must have the approval of the appropriate Vice President of the level in question.

Section 1 — League Season

  1. The League Season shall be declared by the July Meeting for start and end dates.


  1. Clubs will be required to project and declare teams, for the purpose of scheduling, as follows:
  1. April League Meeting – First projection of teams by level.
  2. May League Meeting – Revised projection of teams by level.
  3. June League Meeting – Final Declaration of teams by level.
    1. Any club adding or dropping a team or changing the level of a team after a 48-hour grace period following the leagues’ petitioning meeting will be assessed a fine as established by the Fees, Fines and Miscellaneous Charges Schedule.


AA, A, B Teams

  1. All Clubs will field either Mite, AA, A, B teams.
  2. The teams must be declared at the July League meeting.
  3. All teams will be registered as open rostered teams.
  4. The placement of teams may be directed by the league but is the sole responsibility of the individual clubs.
    1. Definition of Levels/Divisions
      1. AA Level/Division
        1. Must have a minimum of six (6) teams to schedule a division
        2. Will consist of the strongest teams at each age classification
        3. Will consist of teams from an organization whose team(s) in a classification who has scored 65% or higher in their combined percentages from the prior season. (Combined percentages will be construed by the percentage of the level being declared with the percentage of the classification beneath it and will be calculated by the total number of points accumulated by those teams/total number of points possible for those teams. If an organization has no teams from the prior season as the lower age classification to be combined, they will be assigned a win percentage of 50% for the lower age classification. This does not apply to Squirts)
        4. Clubs who has scored 65% or higher in their combined percentages (not including teams in the B American division), may petition to participate in the “A National” Division, but will forfeit their league championship and post season eligibility. If as a result of petitioning, a club has more than one team at a level in the same division, the team with the better record will forfeit their league championship and post season eligibility.
        5. Will advance to Districts and to USA Hockey Nationals, except at the Pee Wee and Squirt classificationsEXCEPTION:  A petitioned “B” team from the previous year, scoring 65% or better in the previous season, will not be subject to being required to play at the “AA” level if that team is the only team in the club at that classification  and will be permitted to skate in the “A National” division without prejudice and will be able to qualify for the league playoffs and championship.

Regardless of the provisions herein, no team shall be required to advance more than one level in the succeeding year.

    1. A Level – National Division
      1. Will consist of remaining teams who’s win percentages from prior season exceed 50%.
      2. Will consist of teams from an organization who has three or more teams on a level, not including teams in the B American division
      3. Clubs that have 3 teams at a classification (not including teams in the Bantam B American division) or who have scored 50% or higher in their combined percentages (not including teams in the Bantam B American division), may petition to participate in the “A American” Division, but will forfeit their league championship and post season eligibility.  If as a result of petitioning, a club has more than one team at a level in the same division, the team with the better record will forfeit their league championship and post season eligibility.
      4. Will advance to districts as determined by DVHL playoff format.
      5. It is at the discretion of the Executive Committee to move a team from the A level to the AA level.
    2. A Level – American Division
      1. Will consist of remaining A level teams from organizations with win percentages below 50%.
      2. Teams may move up from An American to A National at any time before final declarations.
      3. American teams participate in division playoffs, but teams do not advance out of playoffs to district.
    3. B Level – National Division
      1. Will consist of teams from organizations that already have AA or A teams in that classification.
      2. Clubs that have 1 team at a level may petition to participate in the “B” Division but will forfeit their league championship and post season eligibility. If as a result of petitioning, a club has more than one team at a level in the same division, the team with the better record will forfeit their league championship and post season eligibility.
      3. Teams eligible to advance to districts out of DVHL playoffs.
      4. Clubs that only have one team at Squirt level may play at B National Division. The makeup of roster must consist of 50%+ first year Squirts that were rostered (DVHL) on a B or C Mite team the previous year and/or 1st year Squirts that were not rostered on a DVHL team the previous year. Team will be eligible for league championship and post season.  If the Club has only one team the following year when at the B National Division, they will be required to play at the A American Division or higher the following year due to them now all having one year of experience at the B National Division
    4. B Level – American Division
      1. The B American division will consist of travel teams from existing DVHL clubs and rink owned and operated in-house teams.
      2. All rink owned in-house teams will be considered an Associate DVHL member, as defined in Article 2, Section 2 of the DVHL Bylaws. There will be no entitlement to enter teams at any other division level.
      3. The B American division will play a league schedule, which will be based on team participation.
      4. B American division will have playoffs but not advance to districts.
      5. All new programs must register at least 2 teams to participate in the B American division as an associate member.
    5. The petitioning meeting of the Executive Committee must be completed prior to the schedulers meeting.
    6. Petitioning package must be submitted seventy-two hours prior to the July League Meeting and must include the appropriate paperwork and a minimum of 3 scoresheets for the proposed team for the upcoming year played after the team’s tryouts and team placements.

Section 4 — Scheduling OF GAMES

  1. The number of League games to be played in each level and division will be determined from year to year by the Board of Directors at the June meeting.
  2. After the Master Schedule has been established, schedule changes shall only be permitted only with the prior notification to the DVHL President or their designed and afterwards, upon the agreement of BOTH teams involved in a particular game.
  3. All league games must be completed prior to the levels/divisions blackout weekend or be subject to a fine or disqualification from playoffs.
  4. No games shall be rescheduled on a date later than the last allowable date for completion of league competition.
  5. Any league games played between two teams from the same club within the same division must be played on or before December 31st of that current league year.
  6. When a team drops from the league after scheduling has begun and games have been played, all records of the team dropping are eliminated from the standings.
  7. Any club who drops a team after the season has begun shall be fined as established by the Fees, Fines and Miscellaneous Charges Schedule and could be subject to forfeit fines as deemed by the DVHL Executive Committee.
  8. No league games may be changed after November 1st without the permission of the league president or their designee.
  9. DVHL league games take precedence over any tournaments, All-star games, or leagues that member teams may choose to participate in
  10. No DVHL league game can be used to satisfy the schedule of another league. If a team is found in violation of this and using the DVHL league game for multi purposes, that game will be a forfeit to both teams, both teams will forfeit their league championship and post season eligibility, and the club will be placed on probation for one year.
  11. The format for scheduling can only be voted on by club presidents or the Board of Directors
  12. All clubs who play two games in one day, must schedule the 2nd game no sooner than 4 hours from the end of the 1st game as per USA Hockey Rules and Regulations

Section 5 — Postponement of Game

  1. In the event of extraordinary circumstances such as automobile accidents, hazardous road conditions, loss of ice surface due to rink equipment, etc., a game may be postponed. (Sickness, such as flu, is not an extraordinary circumstance.)
  2. To postpone a game, a team must follow this procedure:
    1. Phone call to the other team’s official DVHL listed League Scheduler explaining the extraordinary circumstances.
    2. If unable to reach the scheduler, to any other person listed for the opposing team’s Club, e.g., the President or other representative to DVHL listed on the DVHL phone and address list.
    3. If unable to reach any of the above-listed people, to any Executive Board Member of the DVHL Executive Committee.
    4. If this procedure is not followed, the offending Club will be responsible for payment to the non-offending Club regardless of circumstances.
  3. If a team postpones a game, it will still be responsible for ice and game forfeiture.
    1. The Presidents of the involved Clubs (or their appointed representative) will then be responsible to agree to reschedule or ask for payment for each game postponed in this manner.
    2. All disputes will be referred to the League Commissioner.
    3. If both parties still do not agree, the matter will be referred to the February meeting of the DVHL Board of Directors.
    4. Visiting teams must confirm game times within seventy-two (72) hours in advance of a regularly scheduled game.
  4. Any game not played as a result of extraordinary circumstances shall be rescheduled within one (1) week of its original scheduled date.
  5. All cancelled games shall be replayed prior to February 15th of the current season.
  6. All procedures concerning forfeits and rescheduling as contained in these by‑laws and/or the League Constitution shall be rigidly adhered to by all members.
  7. NOTE: By-law reads that game must be rescheduled, not replayed within one (1) week.
  8. When a team fails to appear for a game (or appears with fewer than the required number of players as described in Article II, Section 6, Paragraph I), where the time and place appear in the official DVHL schedule, where the two teams did not agree in advance to reschedule the game and notify the league scheduler or Commissioner accordingly, and where there are not extraordinary circumstances (see above), the game will automatically be a forfeit win for the non‑offending team.
    1. If the non-offending team prefers to play the game, it will be rescheduled at the convenience of the non-offending team, and at the expense (ice cost and referees) of the offending team.
    2. The amount specified by the non-offending team (if it is the home team) must be received at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the rescheduled time.
    3. If not, the game will remain a forfeit, and the non-offending team is no longer responsible to play the game.
  9. A team which does not have a minimum of six (6) players on its bench by ten (10) minutes after the scheduled game time shall forfeit the game.
  10. If games are not played as per schedule before expiration of League play, a forfeit victory will be awarded to the non‑offending team as determined by the Commissioner.
  11. Games awarded to a team by way of forfeit may be appealed by the penalized team to the Executive Committee. No fee is required. The Executive Committee will address the matter within seven (7) days and their decision will be final.
  12. All forfeits will be reviewed by the Executive Committee to determine the validity of the forfeit. Forfeits of a league game without league permission will result in a fine to the offending club.
    1. If a forfeit is found to be invalid, disciplinary measures may be imposed.

Section 7 — FORFEITS

  1. Each Club shall deposit and maintain an escrow as set by Article 3, Section 1
  2. This escrow is to be used to cover the cost of forfeits as declared by the Commissioner.
  3. Forfeiture of ice bond will occur regardless of the offending team.
  4. A written request for ice bond forfeiture shall be sent to the Commissioner.
  5. Forfeiture of a league game without league permission will result in a fine to the offending club in addition to the ice bond and referee bond.

Section 8 — Protests

  1. Protests will be recorded on the front of the original copy of the official scoresheet in the remarks area and signed by the protesting coach. The reason for the protest must be written on the scoresheet.
  2. All protests will be null and void if a written explanation of the protest accompanied by the appropriate fee is not received by the Commissioner within seventy-two (72) hours.
    1. An additional fee will be required if the appeal involves a video review.
  3. If the protest is won, the money is returned.
  4. Protests regarding the use of an ineligible player may be made upon discovery and are not subject to the seventy-two (72) hour rule.
  1. If a game must be replayed, the same player roster must be used.
    1. All suspensions incurred or served during a protested/rescheduled game will count as a League suspension or service.
  2. All protests and ice forfeiture bond requests must be made in writing to the Commissioner.
  3. All correspondence with the DVHL Executive Committee, President, or Commissioner (e.g., Appeals and Protests) shall only be through the Club President or their designee as provided to the DVHL Executive Committee.

Section 9 — Appeals

  1. All appeals will follow USA Hockey Bylaw 10.
  2. DVHL Appeal fees will be established annually.


All Fees, Fines and Miscellaneous Charges will be established through the annual budget process. The Fees, Fines and Miscellaneous Charges will be established or modified with the approval of the Annual Budget.


  1. The rules governed by USA Hockey will be the official playing rules for the DVHL
  2. The use of noise makers by a spectator of any kind in a league game or playoffs is strictly prohibited.


    1. The home team shall be responsible for providing sufficient ice time, the necessary facilities and equipment, and two (2) USA Hockey qualified referees in all age divisions, and it is their responsibility to pay for them.
Mite (8U) 1 hour 15 minutes total time
Squirt (10U) 1 hour 15 minutes total time
Peewee (12U) 1 1/2 hours total time
Bantam (14U) 1 1/2 hours total time
Midget (16U, 18U) 1 1/2 hours total time
    1. A two-man referee system will be used at all levels.
    2. If two (2) referees are not present for the League game, the decision to play the game or not will be made by the visiting team.
    3. If the decision is made to play the game, no protest can be made on the issue of the number of referees.
    4. If the decision is made not to play the game, it must be rescheduled by the home team, at their expense.
    5. Under no circumstances will the originally scheduled game be considered a forfeit because of the lack of two referees.
  1. Official’s game fee: If a game is officiated by only one official, that official will be paid one and one-half times the individual game fee for that level. Under no circumstances will the official receive the entire game fee for both officials.
  2. To expedite the game, it is recommended that a timed four (4) minute warm up period be adhered to, and a one (1) minute limit be observed when changing ends at the end of a period.
  3. The home team shall notify the visiting team what the end of the time slot is before the start of the game.
  4. A game is not an official game unless two (2) full periods are played.
    1. If two (2) full periods are not played, no recognition of the game being played will occur, except in cases of serious misbehavior, such as match penalties or gross misconduct (which may have been the cause of game incompletion).
    2. Serious cases of misbehavior will be decided by the Commissioner per the rules of USA Hockey.
  5. At no time will a running clock be used except on 18U and 16U games where a team is leading by a minimum of 6 goals at any point in the third period, there will be a running clock. If the margin in score gets back down to 4 goals, the play would go back to stop time.


  1. It shall be left to the judgment of the referees at the rink to decide whether the ice or conditions are suitable for play.

The Commissioner may order any Club to play a postponed game on forty-eight (48) hours’ notice.


Age Group Periods Minor Penalty Major Penalty Misconduct
10U 15 minutes 1.5 minute 4 minutes 8 minutes
12U 15 minutes 1.5 minutes 4 minutes 8 minutes
13P 16 minutes 1.5 minutes 4 minutes 8 minutes
14U 16 minutes 1.5 minutes 4 minutes 8 minutes
16 & 18U 17 minutes 2.0 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes


  1. Ice and facilities responsibilities
    1. Establish the end of the time slot before the start of the game.
    2. Play two (2) full periods in accordance with the DVHL time durations shown in Article VII, Section 2 using stop-clock periods.
    3. Prior to the start of the third period, take the remaining time for the game slot, divide that time in half, and play that time, stop clock for the third period. If the game is tied at the end of regulation and time permits, proceed to overtime rules. If the rink stops the game due to time slot expiration, the game is final at that point.
    4. Do not exceed the published time period for the third period. E.g., 20 minutes left to play — 10-minute stop-clock third period.
    5. At no time will a running clock be used except on 18U and 16U games where a team is leading by a minimum of 6 goals at any point in the third period there will be a running clock. If the margin in score gets back down to 4 goals, the play would go back to stop time.
  2. If the third period time is cut in accordance with league rules, and there is ice time remaining when the game clock reads 0:00, the game is over, unless the game is tied. If tied, then OT will be played. If the rink stops the game due to time slot expiration, the game is final at the point.
    1. The remaining ice time is not to be used for additional game time.
    2. Once the third period begins, the clock will not be altered.
    3. If the ice slot is over and there is still time on the clock, the game is over (curfew).
  3. If the game is tied at the end of the third period, a sudden death overtime will be played using the format below:
    1. There will be a thirty (30) second intermission at the end of the third period.
    2. Goaltenders do not change ends at the start of overtime.
    3. Three (3) minutes stop time with all other levels using a three-on-three
    4. All rules pertaining to penalties including length and stacking apply during overtime.
    5. Any eligible skater on the roster may be used during the overtime period.
    6. Changing on the fly is permitted.
    7. Any unexpired penalty incurred in the third period will carry over into the overtime period with play starting as a five (4) on four (3) for all other levels. First whistle after the expiration of the penalty play resumes overtime format.

      If a penalty is assessed in the three (3) on three (3) overtime period, play shall resume as a four (4) on three (3).

      1. At the expiration of the penalty, the teams shall play four (4) on four (4).
      2. At the first stoppage after the power play ends, play will resume as three (3) on three (3).
    8. If a second penalty is assessed while a team is playing shorthanded, play will resume as a five (5) on three (3); at the expiration of the penalty and a stoppage play will resume as a four (4) on three (3) and after the expiration of the 2nd penalty and a stoppage play will resume three (3) on three (3).
    9. Time-outs are not permitted during the overtime periods.
    10. If a tie remains at the end of the five-minute overtime period, the game ends in a tie.


  1. No player may score more than three (3) goals in a single game. Any player that violates this rule will receive a 2-minute minor for unsportsmanlike conduct and the goal will not count.


  1. All organizations shall file all scoresheets for each game played and all scoresheets must be received by the Wednesday following the completion of that game electronically onto the DVHL website.
  2. Any Club whose scoresheet is not received will be notified, and within two (2) weeks of that notification, if said scoresheet is still not in, shall cause that game to be forfeited by the team responsible for the delay, regardless of the actual outcome of the game. (The home team is responsible for the forwarding of the completed scoresheet.
  3. Prior to each season the League President shall designate a person within the League responsible for receiving scoresheets.
  4. A fine as established by the Fees, Fines and Miscellaneous Charges Schedule shall be charged per, week per missing scoresheet up to a maximum of five (5) weeks per team.

Section 1 — Suspended Players and Coaches

  1. Any player or coach who is suspended cannot sit or stand on or near the bench of their team. He must watch the game from the stands.
  2. A suspended player or coach is not obligated to appear at the next scheduled game(s) (the actual number of games is equal to the suspension).
    1. Prior to the game, the suspended player/coach must be indicated on the scoresheet in the area allocated for suspended players and coaches.
    2. He must also print their name, number, and team.
    3. If the team has a scheduled game, and a player or coach is not noted on the scoresheet, the game does not count toward satisfying their suspension.
    4. If a coach has more than one team, he must serve their suspension with the team for which he received the suspension.
    5. After the game, a “Served Suspension Report” must be filed electronically to show that the suspension(s) have been served within seventy-two (72) hours of the game’s completion.
    6. A suspended coach is not permitted to be within fifty (50) feet of the player’s bench, penalty box or scorekeepers’ box during the game or games he/she is serving a suspension. The suspended coach’s name and information must be printed on the scoresheet in the area allocated for suspended players and coaches.
    7. No electronic communications with the player’s bench, penalty box or scorekeeper’s box during the game or games he/she is serving a suspension can be used.
  3. All suspensions incurred during a DVHL scheduled League game must be served in a DVHL scheduled league game.
    1. This does not relieve a suspended player or coach from serving their suspension in accordance with USA Hockey (i.e.: non-league games scheduled prior to the next league game).
    2. A player or coach may in fact sit out more games than the original suspension in order to fulfill their obligation.
  4. Suspended players occupy a position on the game roster and shall be counted toward the maximum number of players permitted on the bench even though ineligible to participate in the game or be on the team bench.
  5. If a USA Hockey and/or DVHL penalty resulting in a game suspension is assessed to a player and/or coach, that player and/or coach is suspended until that respective penalty is served.
  6. A suspended player and/or coach participating in a game while suspended will result in a forfeit. A winning score of 1-0 will be awarded to the non-offending team if a forfeit is assessed.
  7. Any suspension not served during the current season will carry over into the next season.
    1. Carry-over suspensions follow the player/coach, not the team or club.
    2. If a player/coach moves up from one age classification to another, the carry-over suspension still must be served.
    3. If a player/coach moves to a different Club, the carry-over suspension still must be served.
  8. Proof of serving a suspension must be submitted to the Commissioner at or before the May Board Meeting or the suspension will carry over to the next season without exception.
    1. Signature on the electronic or paper scoresheet in the area allocated for suspended players/coaches or indication of name, number, and team is the only proof that will be accepted for service of a suspension.
  9. Whenever a player or coach receives a game misconduct that results in a three game suspension or more or a match penalty, the coach, or their designee (e.g., team manager) shall file, with the League Commissioner a written report (sent by fax or email) in the form required and shall include a copy of the score sheet from the game in which the penalty was imposed.  The report shall be filed within twenty-four (24) hours following the conclusion of the game.
  10. An appeal of a referees in game decision relative to the application of the USA Official Rules of Ice Hockey (“Rules”) can be filed within twenty-four (24) hours of the conclusion of the game. The appeal shall be accompanied by a check, or the agreement to be billed, for the appropriate filing fee and a video of the call- in question. The video must be accessible to the commissioner or their designee. Appeals will be handled within seventy-two (72) hours of receipt with a ruling issued. Due to the complexity of a video review, the fee listed in the Schedule of DVHL Fines and Miscellaneous Charges (Video Review Fee) will not be refunded.
  11. Any party aggrieved by the decision of the Commissioner or their designee regarding the imposition of a suspension may appeal that decision to the Executive Committee of the DVHL by written request to the Commissioner or the League President. The appeal shall be accompanied by a check, or the agreement to be billed, for the appropriate filing fee. All appeals shall be heard following the regularly scheduled DVHL monthly meetings. The filing of an appeal shall not toll the execution of the suspension unless the Executive Committee determines that the suspension shall not be executed pending the appeal hearing. At the appeal hearing, the aggrieved may present witnesses and other evidence that it deems appropriate.
  12. Any party aggrieved by the decision made by the Executive Committee following an appeal hearing on a suspension or any other matter, may appeal that decision in writing addressed to the DVHL President. Upon receipt of that appeal, the DVHL President shall appoint a three-member panel composed of individuals who are not members of the DVHL Executive Committee to hear the appeal.
  13. Any party aggrieved by the decision made by the three-member appeal panel appointed for that purpose by the DVHL President may appeal that decision in writing addressed to the Atlantic District who shall administer that appeal pursuant to the Atlantic District & USA Hockey Bylaw and Rules & Regulations.
  14. Any coach that receives a game misconduct in a league or non-league game will be suspended as follows: first (1st) offense one (1) league game, second offense three (3) league games and third and subsequent offenses five (5) league games.

Section 2 — Fighting

  1. Fighting Penalties for 14U, 16U and 18U
    1. If a player incurs a major penalty for fighting, which by USA Hockey rules is accompanied by a game misconduct penalty, the player shall sit out three (3) DVHL games for the first offense, five (5) games for the second offense and shall be suspended for the remainder of the season, including playoffs and district tournaments for the third infraction.
  2. Fighting Penalties for 10U & 12U
    1. If a player incurs a major penalty for fighting, which by USA Hockey rules is accompanied by a game misconduct penalty, the player shall sit out one (1) DVHL games for the first offense, three (3) games for the second offense  and shall be suspended for the remainder of the season, including playoffs and district tournaments for the third offense.
  3. Fighting Penalties for 6U & 8U
    1. Reviewed by the Commissioner.
  4. All levels:  If a player receives a second fighting penalty, USA Hockey’s Progressive penalty will be added in games and is to run concurrently.

Section 3 — MATCH Penalty

  1. For a match penalty as defined by USA Hockey playing rules require a hearing to be disposed by the League Commissioner. In no case will a player cited for these infractions be allowed to participate in any game or practice until the Commissioner has ruled or thirty (30) days have elapsed. The League Commissioner shall follow the procedure(s) outlined by USA Hockey and the Atlantic Affiliate relative to their requirements of investigating and ruling on a match penalty.
  2. Match penalties involving the physical abuse of an official will be handled at the District/Affiliate level.

Section 4 — Coach twelve penalty rule

  1. Any coach whose team receives twelve penalties in a league or non-league game will be suspended one game for the first (1st) and second (2nd) offense and three (3) games for the 3rd If a fourth (4th) offense occurs the discipline will be determined by the Commissioner(s).

Section 1 — LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP, DVHL Playoffs and district championships

The format for DVHL League Championship, Playoffs, and the method to determine teams going to the District Championship Tournament shall be selected by the Board of Directors each year by the September monthly meeting, or after District formats are announced and DVHL teams have been set.

When the petition of any member club to register a team at a level lower than that assigned by the league is granted by the league, that team shall be ineligible to participate in post season district competition as well as DVHL playoff competition.


  1. The League Championship will be awarded to the team accumulating the most points during the regular league season in each division and will be determined as follows:
    1. League standings are accumulated by awarding a team.
      1. three (3) points for a regulation win,
      2. two (2) point for an overtime win
      3. no (0) points for a regulation loss
      4. one (1) point for an overtime loss
      5. five (1.5) points each for tie
    2. Should two (2) or more teams be tied for any place seeding, the following criteria shall be used to break that tie:
      1. The highest number of points gained in the games involving the tied teams (head-to-head)
      2. The highest number of games won in League competition, not including overtime wins.
      3. The lowest number of losses earned in League competition.
      4. If a tie still results, a playoff game (or games) shall be held to determine the winner.
  2. If teams have an unequal number of games played, the following criteria shall be used:
    1. The highest percentage of points obtained vs. points available.
    2. If tied after # 1 above, a playoff game (or games) shall be held to determine the winner.
  3. The Executive Committee will have final approval on which teams may participate in DVHL Playoffs, District Tournaments, and/or USA Hockey National Tournaments.
  4. To be eligible to participate in DVHL Playoffs, an organization must be in Good Standing with the DVHL including but not limited to payment of all fees and in compliance with the DVHL Bylaws and Rules & Regulations.
  5. No player may participate in DVHL playoffs, AAHA district tournaments or USA Hockey National Tournaments with a DVHL team unless said player has played in DVHL league games as outlined in Section 2-Rostering and has been on a DVHL roster since at least December 31 of the current season.
  6. Playoff seedings in each division will be determined as follows:
    1. Should two (2) or more teams be tied for any place seeding, the following criteria shall be used to break that tie:
      1. The highest number of points gained in the games involving the tied teams (head-to-head)
      2. The highest number of games won in League competition.
      3. The lowest number of losses earned in League competition, not including overtimes losses.
      4. If a tie still results, a playoff game (or games) shall be held to determine the winner.

Note:  Under no circumstances are goals or goal differentials used to determine playoff seedings

rules for dvhl playoffs

  1. DVHL rules will be followed for playoff games.
  2. All games are to be played at one facility unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
  3. All ice slots will be 1.5 hours in length with no curfew.
  4. The highest seed will be the home team during all rounds.
  5. A two-person officiating system will be used at all levels or as changed by membership vote.
  6. Any unexpired penalty incurred in the third period will carry over into the overtime period and on ice strength will be adjusted accordingly, i.e., four on three; five on three, etc. After a whistle, the on-ice strength will be adjusted accordingly until three on three is resumed.
  7. Any player assessed a penalty in the overtime period will not be allowed to participate in the shootout.  Major penalties will be served by any other member of the penalized team, excluding a goaltender.
  8. Overtime – one ten (10) minute three-on-three sudden death overtime period will be used.
    1. There will be a sixty (60) second break prior to the start of the sudden death overtime period.
    2. Time-outs will not be permitted during the sudden death overtime period.
    3. Goaltenders will change ends prior to the start of the overtime period and shootout.
    4. USA Hockey playing rules are in effect during the overtime periods.
  9. Should the game remain tied after the sudden death overtime period there will be a five-skater shootout except for Championship (1st Place at Playoffs) games that will be played to a conclusion.
    1. There will be a sixty (60) second break prior to the start of the sudden death overtime period and five skater shootout.
    2. Any skater on the roster may be used.
    3. The visiting team will shoot first in the shootout.
    4. Winner is based on total goals scored once all five players have had their turn.
    5. If still tied after the first round, there shall be a sudden death shootout. Teams can use the same shooters as the first round, or any eligible player in successive rounds.
  10. No protest of playing rules or official(s) calls shall be permitted.
  11. The total cost of the playoffs including referee fees, scorekeeper fees, trainer fees and ice time will be billed to all clubs based on the number of teams they have participating in the league (including petitioned teams).
  12. In the DVHL Playoffs all games will be played until there is a winner as described above.
  13. Use of noise markers is prohibited at DVHL Playoffs.

SECTION 1 — Player Achievements

  1. In the event that the game is not replayed, individual player achievements will stand.
  2. In the event that the Commissioner orders a game to be replayed, individual player achievements in the original game will not stand.

Section 2 — Club Colors AND VENUES

  1. A club must request permission from the DVHL membership for approval to make a change in venue or a change in name. Unless grandfathered, two clubs will not be permitted to use the same venue as their home rink unless the original club has no objections. Majority vote will be accepted.
  2. Club colors shall be fixed by the Executive Committee at the preseason meeting. Where unavoidable conflicts arise, it shall be the responsibility of the home team to take corrective action. If a club intends to have game jersey, it shall not be white.

Section 3 — Referee Accreditation

  1. All referees will have accreditation from USA Hockey and will be approved prior to the beginning of League play by the Referee-In-Chief.
    1. Any Club which violates this rule will be subject to game forfeiture and Club suspension from DVHL.
  2. It is the home team’s responsibility to make sure that there is no immediate relationship between a player and a referee, coach, and referee.
  3. The officials in a League game on the AA, A and B divisions, are recommended to be at least two (2) hockey age levels and four (4) years older than the team they are refereeing. The officials in a league game in the B AMERICAN division are recommended to follow the USA Hockey guidelines to be at least one (1) hockey age level and two (2) years older than the team they are referring.
    1. However, it remains the responsibility of the referee assignors to determine the qualifications and skill level of referees in the area, and to assure that officials assigned to a game have capabilities commensurate with the level of play in the assigned game.
    2. Under no circumstances shall officials be assigned to a game at the same hockey age level at which they themselves would be eligible to play, unless approved by the DVHL Referee-in-Chief.

Section 4 — Coaching Accreditation

  1. All coaches must be accredited and have background checks according to the by-laws set forth by USA Hockey and the AAHA.
  2. Each DVHL Club is mandated to have a Hockey Director to work with the DVHL Coach-in-Chief.


  1. The League may maintain and support All-Star Teams in all age groups.
  2. Players will be elected to All-Star on ability only, and consideration will not be given to equal representation from member teams in the DVHL.
  3. Players will be eligible for All-Star consideration only if they are registered members of the DVHL Clubs.
  4. No suspended player may participate in any DVHL All-Star game without Commissioner’s review and authorization.
  5. The All-Star game will not count toward satisfying any part of a suspension.
  6. Suspensions in both inter and intra-league All-Star games shall be served in accordance with DVHL rules as if the All-Star game were a League game.


  1. The DVHL has formed a scholarship fund to help our players advance in post‑secondary education, and in furtherance of that aim promulgates the following rules governing the administration of the scholarship fund.
  2. The minimum scholarship to be awarded shall be two-hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
  3. The maximum number of scholarships to be awarded in anyone (1) year is five (5). The maximum number is being set so as not to diminish the impact and significance of the DVHL Scholarship to both the recipients and the community at large with one (1) per each fifteen (15) applications received.
  4. The scholarships awarded shall be announced at the May meeting; however, the DVHL shall direct payment to the recipient’s scholastic institution. In no event shall scholarships be awarded to the recipients directly.
  5. The DVHL shall have a separate account set up for the DVHL Scholarship Fund.
  6. When the principal amount of the DVHL Scholarship Fund reaches twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), the DVHL Executive Board shall have the discretion to award scholarships consisting of interest earned thereon in the previous year together with the principal amount in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). In no event shall any applicant receive a scholarship larger than one-thousand dollars ($1,000.00). All other principal in excess of twenty‑five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) which is not distributed in any given year shall be left in the DVHL Scholarship Fund for future distribution.
  7. The twenty-five-thousand-dollar ($25,000.00) ceiling amount on the principal of the DVHL Scholarship Fund shall be subject to review every five (5) years by a Committee appointed by the DVHL Executive Board.
  8. The DVHL Executive Committee shall at their June meeting decide the amount to be awarded the following year.
  9. The Scholarship Award Fund is to be limited to earned interest and a general fund amount to be decided by the DVHL Executive Board. Any excess general fund monies in the DVHL Treasury and future fundraising activities may be deposited to increase the principle of the DVHL Scholarship Fund.
  10. Upon recommendation of the DVHL Scholarship Fund Committee, the DVHL Executive Board may exercise their general rulemaking power and make any modifications deemed necessary to promote the aims and goals of the DVHL Scholarship Fund.
  11. The funds shall not be used for another purpose other than Scholarship Awards.
  12. The Scholarship Committee shall consist of five (5) members elected by the DVHL Members to serve for a term of two (2) years. The election term shall be staggered to prevent a complete turnover of the committee. The term for the first year shall consist of two (2) members serving two (2) years.
  13. All recommendations by the Scholarship Committee shall be made at the April meeting of the DVHL.
  14. The Scholarship Committee shall also be responsible for publicizing the deadlines for submitting applications and advising the recipients and recipients’ secondary school of their scholarship award.
  15. The availability of applications for consideration for a DVHL Scholarship shall be made public through:
    1. Handouts to Member Clubs.
    2. Oral communication by interested DVHL Members.
  16. An applicant for the DVHL Scholarship Fund must be a member in good standing of a registered DVHL club for a minimum of three (3) consecutive years and participating during the current season.
  17. The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible to verify that the scholarship recipient has, in fact, graduated from high school.
  1. When used in these Rules & Regulations, all forms of the masculine pronoun “he” shall also be deemed to refer to the feminine.
  2. Definition of DVHL game:
    1. A regular season game listed in the Official DVHL Master Schedule
    2. A DVHL Playoff game
  3. DVHL: Delaware Valley Hockey League, Inc.
  4. AAHA: Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association (Atlantic District/AAHA)
  5. NJYHL: New Jersey Youth Hockey League, Inc.
  6. In-house teams
    1. Club-sponsored in-house refers to the Club with which the player is registered.
    2. Rink-sponsored in-house refers to the home rink in which the club skates.



Dean Frost, President (1978 – 1981)

Amended October 24, 1979
Amended April 9, 1980
Amended April 8, 1981

Richard P. Byrnes, President (1981 – 1984)

Amended October 13, 1982
Amended November 10, 1982
Amended April 13, 1983
Amended April 11, 1984

William H. Deihm, President (1984 – 1986)

Amended April 10, 1985
Amended April 11, 1986

Joan Schofield, President (1986 – 1989)

Amended April 8, 1987
Amended April 1988
Amended April 12, 1989

Thomas Koester, President (1989 – 1990)

Amended April 11, 1990

Harold Hilsher, President (1990 – 1991)

Amended April 10, 1991

A.M. Montagna, President (1991 – 1996)

Amended April 8, 1992
Amended April 14, 1993
Amended April 13, 1994
Amended April 12, 1995
Amended April 10, 1996

Colleen Marinari, President (1996 – 2021)

Amended April 1997
Amended April 8, 1998
Amended April 14, 1999
Amended April 12, 2000
Amended April 12, 2001
Amended April 11, 2002
Amended April 9, 2003
Amended April 9, 2004
Amended April 13, 2005
Amended April 12, 2006
Amended April 11, 2007
Amended April 9, 2008
Amended April 8, 2009
Amended April 14, 2010
Amended April 13, 2011
Amended March 14, 2012
Amended March 13, 2013
Amended March 12, 2014
Amended March 10, 2015
Amended March 8, 2016
Amended March 8, 2017
Amended March 14, 2018
Amended March 13, 2019
Amended March 11, 2020
Amended March 10, 2021

John J. Finnigan, Jr., President (2021 –

Amended August 11, 2021
Amended August 10, 2022
Amended July 18,2024

The Campus Wild Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Central Penn Panthers Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Chester County Cougars Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Delaware Jr Blue Hens Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Delco Phantoms Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Delmarva Raptors Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Exton Kings Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Dyna-Mites Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Flyers Youth Ice Hockey Club
Genesis Hockey Club Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Hatfield Ice Hawks Club Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Hershey Jr Bears Club Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Lady Patriots Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Philadelphia Little Flyers Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Quakers Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Reading Jr Royals Youth Ice Hockey Club
Snider Hockey Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Susquehanna Valley Stampede Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Wilmington Nighthawks Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Wilkes-Barre Jr Pens Youth Ice Hockey Club
DVHL – Dick's Sporting Goods Coupon

Thank you to our DVHL sponsor for supporting our league!

We are appreciative to our sponsor, Dick’s Sporting Goods, for their generous support of the DVHL. Their contribution plays a pivotal role in helping our league thrive and continue providing a high-quality experience for our players and families. Thank you for your unwavering support!

The DVHL is Proudly Affiliated and Partnered with:
Mid Atlantic Hockey Alliance
Mid Atlantic Women's Hockey Association
New Jersey Youth Hockey League
Eastern Junior Elite Prospects League
Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association
USA Hockey
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