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The Delaware Valley Hockey League is a Tier 2 Youth Ice Hockey League Sanctioned by USA Hockey

DVHL Bylaws

Here, you will find the entire Delaware Valley Hockey League (DVHL) rules/regulations and policies that outline and define the league’s operation.

All coaches, managers, volunteers, and parents need to be familiar with the most up-to-date version of the League’s Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies. These rules, regulations, and policies define the structure and support for the DVHL and the affiliate (the District) to provide a meaningful experience for all children in our league.



  1. This organization shall be known as the Delaware Valley Hockey League, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the “DVHL”.


  1. The purpose of the DVHL is to promote, govern and improve organized hockey in the Delaware Valley area by authority of USA Hockey, Inc. (“USAH”) and the Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association (“AAHA”). To foster among its members, supporters, and teams a general cooperative spirit; to maintain and increase interest in the game of hockey; to have and exercise a general care, supervision, and direction over the playing interest of its teams and players.
  2. In addition, member organizations are expected to provide a developmental opportunity for as many players as possible.



  1. Membership in the DVHL shall be composed of such hockey organizations, clubs and/or leagues as shall agree to abide by and comply with the rules of DVHL and the decisions of the DVHL officials, who have been duly elected or appointed.
    1. Acceptance in the DVHL shall be contingent on a simple majority favorable vote by the Board of Directors.
  2. Discharge of a member Club from DVHL will take place after formal petition is forwarded to the Board of Directors at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting or a regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
    1. If a majority present at such meeting accepts such petition after discussion, a motion for discharge must be passed by simple majority vote.
  3. All member Clubs must be registered with USA Hockey by November 1st of the playing year.
    1. If not so registered, a warning will be forwarded by the Secretary and ten (10) days additional will be allowed.
    2. All League games up to such registration date will be forfeited.
    3. If no action is taken by November 10th, all subsequent games will be forfeited.
  4. The terms of office of Officers and Directors will be from May 1st to April 30th inclusive.
  5. All teams who are a part of DVHL organizations, regardless of league or independent, must abide by the ADM policies set forth by the (“AAHA”).


  1. A hockey organization, club and/or league can apply for associate membership in the DVHL only when entering one team participating in a tournament where you must be a member of a league and who will not be playing a league schedule.
  2. All rink owned and operated in-house programs who are only allowed participation in the C division will be considered Associate Members.
  3. All Associate Member teams must be USA Hockey registered.
  4. Associate member organizations must agree to such participation in DVHL activities as may be determined by the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors, and may include such items as attendance at meetings, fundraising, playoffs, scoresheets, etc.
  5. Acceptance of Associate Member organizations in the DVHL shall be contingent on a favorable vote by two- thirds (2/3) of the quorum present at a regularly scheduled meeting and must be reaffirmed annually.
  6. The Associate Member will have no voting rights in any matters other than what applies to their participation in the league.
  7. All teams who are a part of DVHL clubs, regardless of league or independent, must abide by the ADM policies set forth by the Atlantic District.
  8. Organizations can be Scheduling Partners with the DVHL by asking seeking permission of the Executive Board and pay the applicable fees.



  1. A Hockey Organization/Club that wishes to apply for membership into the DVHL is required to do so by writing to the President, and copy the Executive Committee, no later than fifteen (15) days prior to a monthly membership meeting, or a special meeting and must supply the following information:
    1. Number of teams currently fielding
    2. Number of players in the organization
    3. Age of Organization/Club
    4. Origin of new players to Organization/ Club, i.e., in house, clinics, etc.
    5. Legal status
    6. Decision making authority
  2. This information will be sent to existing member Organizations/Clubs one (1) week prior to a monthly membership meeting, or a special meeting. At the meeting, the previously submitted written application for membership is considered final and must be accompanied by an oral presentation to the Board petitioning for membership to the DVHL.
    The following are conditions for membership consideration:

    1. The Club must be registered with USA Hockey and abide by all applicable Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Policies and Directives.
    2. The Club must enter the DVHL with two or more teams.
    3. Acceptance of a new member into probationary status shall occur by affirmative vote of a simple majority of the existing members present that are eligible to vote.. Membership into the DVHL shall commence on the date of acceptance by the membership and payment of all fees.
    4. Once accepted as a member, the Club will continue as a probationary member until the following March annual meeting at which time a vote shall be taken to:
      1. Accept the Organization/Club as a permanent member
      2. Continue the probationary
      3. Terminate the membership
    5. While a club is a probationary member, it will have full voting rights, except on votes concerning membership status of itself and others and be subject to the same rules as a regular member.
    6. A probationary member’s association with the League may be terminated for cause by due process during the season.
      1. Termination of probationary membership must occur with the affirmative votes of simple majority of the quorum present at a regularly scheduled meeting.
    7. Probationary Clubs are subject to rostering limitations as specified under Article 1, DVHL Rules and Regulations.
      1. Exception: New probationary members may exceed the limitation established in Article 1, DVHL Rules and Regulations if and only if a player has a signed release from a player’s previous organization and/or was not offered a spot in the organization where they were registered the previous year.
    8. All teams who are a part of DVHL clubs, regardless of league or independent, must abide by the ADM policies set forth by the Atlantic District
    9. All members will be required to pay a league fee as determined by the membership league fees determined annually as well as the required ice, referee bond and meeting bonds.
    10. All members are required to pay their required fee for playoff ice and referees based on the total count of league teams in their association eligible for playoffs (including petitioned, if applicable) as well as their required allotment toward the AAHA Districts/Affiliate Championship fees.


  1. A hockey organization, club and/or league can apply for associate membership in the DVHL only when entering one team participating in a tournament where you must be a member of a league and who will not be playing a league schedule.
  2. All rink owned and operated in-house programs who are only allowed participation in the B American or Mite divisions will be considered Associate Members.
  3. All Associate member teams must be USA Hockey registered.
  4. Associate member organizations must agree to such participation in DVHL activities as may be determined by the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors, and may include such items as attendance at meetings, fundraising, playoffs, scoresheets, etc.
  5. Acceptance of Associate Member organizations in the DVHL shall be contingent on a favorable vote by two- thirds (2/3) of the quorum present at a regularly scheduled meeting and must be reaffirmed annually.
  6. The Associate member will have no voting rights in any matters other than what applies to their participation in the league.
  7. All teams who are a part of DVHL clubs, regardless of league or independent, must abide by the ADM policies set forth by the Atlantic District.
  8. All members will be required to pay a league fee as determined by the membership league fees determined annually as well as the required ice, referee bond and meeting bonds.
  9. All Associate members are required to pay their required fee for playoff ice and referees based on the total count of league teams in their association eligible for playoffs (including petitioned, if applicable) as well as their required allotment toward the AAHA Districts fees.


  1. The USA Hockey registration fee per team is established by USA Hockey.
  2. Membership in USA Hockey, Inc. is mandatory for all players in the DVHL.



  1. Annual dues and certain other fees are set annually by the Board of Directors.
  2. A late charge will be assessed 30 days after all payments are due.
  3. Annual dues are used to defray administrative costs, to purchase trophies or prizes and for other expenses.
  4. All current year monies due are payable prior to the 1st scheduled playoff game.
  5. All monies due from member Organizations/Clubs from the prior year must be paid in full by April 1st of the current season or no games will be scheduled for the following season.


  1. A League meeting attendance bond deposit (established periodically) will be made by a new Club prior to August 15th and will be held in escrow until that Organization/Club ceases membership.
  2. For non-attendance at a regularly scheduled meeting, from July through June, including the annual Presidents’ Meeting, by at least one Director:
    1. An Organization/Club will be penalized for the first infraction.
    2. The second infraction carries an additional fine.
    3. The third infraction carries an additional fine and the loss of all voting rights for the balance of the season.
    4. Fines will be set periodically.


  1. An Organization/Club deposit for ice bond will be held in escrow until the Organization/Club ceases to participate in the DVHL.
  2. This deposit will be used to defray upheld claims by other Organizations/Clubs under Article III of the Rules and Regulations.
  3. 6U & 8U Levels – An ice bond will take effect if a 6U or 8U team sends 4 or less mite players to a game. However, if the two organizations scheduled to play can communicate and agree upon lending a few players and the game will still be played, the ice bond will not be claimed.


  1. All monies shall be invested in a prudent manner.
  2. All investment instruments shall have the full backing and guarantee of the U.S. Government or be insured by FDIC or FSLIC.
    1. Invested monies shall remain liquid and shall not be invested for a duration greater than one year, to coincide with the fiscal year of the league.
    2. The exception to this rule shall be that money may be invested in a money market account following the same guidelines per Article I, Section 7, Paragraph A.
    3. All investments shall be approved by the membership.



  1. The Board of Directors shall consist of one (1) member from each member organization, the Immediate Past President, and the Commissioner.
  2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Organization and the Commissioner who shall be responsible for executing the policies initiated by the Board of Directors.
  3. The Officers shall be the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President, Vice President Legal Affairs, Treasurer and Secretary.
  4. It is not mandatory that an elected officer be a director or representative from his respective Club or any
  5. The President and other Officers will be elected by the Board of Directors at the March annual
    1. Their term of office shall be two years beginning midnight, May 1st.
    2. The President, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President – 14U, 16U & 18U and Secretary shall be elected in even years.
    3. The Executive Vice President, Vice President – 6U, 8U, 10U AND 12U, Vice President Legal Affairs and Treasurer shall be elected in odd years.
  6. Should the President be unable to complete or assume his year in office, the Executive Vice-President will assume the office for the duration of the term.
  7. If other officers cannot assume or complete their terms, the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, will appoint their successor for the remainder of the term.
  8. There shall be a Commissioner(ors); ratified by the Board of Directors who shall be a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors maintaining voting powers.
  9. There shall be a Referee-In-Chief, Safe Sport Coordinator and Player Safety/Health Coordinator; and Master Scheduler ratified by the Board of Directors maintaining non-voting rights.
  10. The Nominating Committee, chaired by the President, shall present a slate of candidates at the final regular Board meeting, which shall precede the Annual Meeting.
  11. The Executive Committee and President shall have the power to appoint other committees as necessary for the successful operation of the organization.
  12. Elected Officers may also hold multiple elected or appointed Multiple position holders possess a singular vote.
  13. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Any Officer or member of the Board of Directors may be removed from an elected position by three-fourths (3/4) of the members present at any regularly scheduled, or Special meeting. Advance notice of intent to remove, at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting, shall be communicated to the Membership. Any officer or Board Member may be temporarily relieved of responsibilities and authorities from an elected position by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Officers until such time as there is opportunity for a removal vote at a regularly scheduled or Special meeting. At such general meeting, the determination of the Board of Directors shall be confirmed by a majority vote, or if not, the Officer or Board Member shall continue in the elected position for the remainder of the unexpired term.


The Board of Directors shall either meet in person or hold conference calls (virtually) as determined necessary by the Board of Directors.

  1. The President shall:
    1. Have general and active supervision of the affairs of the Organization and shall preside at its meetings including those of the Executive Board, Board of Directors, and the general membership; and
    2. Power to call Special Meetings of the Organization at their discretion; and
    3. Have the power to make decisions arising from emergencies not provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws, until such time as the Executive Board may act on them; and
    4. Have the right to attend and represent Organization at other ice hockey meetings; and
    5. Fill vacancies on the Executive Board with the approval of the Executive Board; and
    6. Recommend to the Executive Board a Referee-In-Chief, Safe Sport Coordinator and Player Safety/Health Coordinator and Master Scheduler for approval whose term is concurrent with the President’s term; and
    7. Perform such additional duties as assigned by the Executive Committee or Board of
  2. The Executive Vice President shall:
    1. Assist the President in overseeing the affairs of the Organization; and
    2. Act in the President’s place when the President is unavailable; and
    3. Chair the Nominating Committee; and
    4. Perform such additional duties as may be assigned the Executive Committee.
  3. The Vice President – 14U, 16U & 18U shall:
    1. Maintain responsibility for 14U, 16U & 18U (Bantam & Midget) rostering; and
    2. Maintain responsibility for roster additions or deletions for 14U, 16U & 18U (Bantam & Midget); and
    3. Maintain responsibility for roster moves (temporary or permanent) for 14U, 16U & 18U (Bantam & Midget); and
    4. Perform such additional duties as may be assigned the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
  4. The Vice President – 6U, 8U, 10U and 12U shall:
    1. Maintain responsibility for 6U, 8U, 10U and 12U (Mite, Squirt & PeeWee) rostering; and
    2. Maintain responsibility for roster additions or deletions for 6U, 8U, 10U and 12U (Mite, Squirt & PeeWee); and
    3. Maintain responsibility for roster moves (temporary or permanent) for 6U, 8U, 10U and 12U (Mite, Squirt & PeeWee); and
    4. Perform such additional duties as may be assigned the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
  5. The Vice President of Marketing shall:
    1. Define the marketing & communications goals and objectives; and
    2. Develop the DVHL brand; and
    3. Develop partnerships with vendors & suppliers; and
    4. Advise on strategic communication, media planning & response; and
    5. Perform such additional duties as may be assigned the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
  6. The Vice President Legal Affairs shall:
    1. File appropriate paperwork with PA Secretary of State – Corporation Bureau; and
    2. File appropriate paperwork with IRS to maintain Organization’s 501(c)3 and sales tax exemption status; and
    3. File all required forms to maintain the Organization’s tax-exempt status; and
    4. Provide legal direction and guidance to the organization; and
    5. Perform such additional duties as may be assigned the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
  7. The Treasurer shall:
    1. Maintain an accurate and up-to-date records of the financial status of the organization; and
    2. Be responsible for all funds, securities, and investments of the organization; and
    3. Provide monthly Treasurer’s report to include and Income Statement and Balance Sheet; and
    4. Provide accountant with all the necessary information to file taxes in a timely manner; and
    5. Bill and maintain records of all member’s payments; and
    6. Prepare a proposed Budget for adoption at the May meeting; and
    7. Perform such additional duties as may be assigned the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
  8. The Secretary shall:
    1. Keep an accurate record of all meeting minutes and distribute copies of these to all members of the Board of Directors; and
    2. Send a copy of all minutes to Executive Board Members prior to the next scheduled meeting; and
    3. Provide approved minutes for posting on the DVHL website; and
    4. Perform such additional duties as may be assigned the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
  9. The Commissioner(s) shall:
    1. Be responsible for all matters pertaining to conduct, deportment and behavior of its officials, coaches, parents, and players; and
    2. Determine the necessary disciplinary action to be invoked as outlined and prescribed by USA Hockey Playing Rules and the Bylaws and Constitution of the DVHL and issuing notice(s) of such decisions to the Board of Directors and to the respective parties; and
    3. Be responsible for the declaration of forfeited games as required or suggested by the By-laws; and
    4. Perform such additional duties as may be assigned the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
    5. Be empowered to issue supplemental discipline for actions that are detrimental to the sport of youth hockey, an official, an opponent, a coach, or a spectator.
  10. The Referee-In-Chief (non-board member) shall:
    1. Attend league meeting as requested; and
    2. Act as a liaison between the D.V.H.L. and the Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association (A.A.H.A.); and
    3. Host informational meeting(s) with league assignors as necessary; and
    4. Be available to discuss any issues with referees and assist with and review disciplinary reports as required; and
    5. Assign officials for DVHL playoff games; and
    6. Evaluate officials as needed; and
    7. Attend league disciplinary hearings as required; and
    8. Perform such additional duties as assigned by the Executive Committee.
  11. The Safe Sport Coordinator (non-board member) shall:
    1. Monitoring of the DVHL Safe Sport program; and
    2. Protect participants from physical, sexual, and other types of abuses and misconduct; and
    3. Investigate allegations of abuse and misconduct; and
    4. Perform such additional duties as assigned by the Executive Committee.
  12. The Player Safety/Health Coordinator (non-board member) shall:
    1. Implement player safety initiatives throughout the DVHL; and
    2. Serve as a conduit for the distribution of educational player safety information; and
    3. Attend league meetings as requested; and
    4. Act as a liaison between the D.V.H.L. and the Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association (A.A.H.A.); and
    5. Host informational meeting(s) with D.V.H.L. member organizations as necessary; and
    6. Be available to discuss any issues concerning player safety/health as necessary; and
    7. Perform such additional duties as assigned by the Executive Committee.
  13. A committee, composed of the elected Officers of the DVHL, shall control and direct All-Star activities.
  14. The Board of Directors shall appoint all Honorary Officers.
  15. All members of the Board of Directors must be notified of the time and the place of all meetings at least one week in advance of the meeting unless the President calls a Special Meeting.



  1. Meetings shall be held monthly from June through May and at the request of the
  2. Each Director and Officer shall have one (1) vote, except the President, who shall vote only in the event of a
  3. If an individual serves as both a DVHL Executive Officer and a Director from any Organization/Club, that individual shall only be entitled to one (1) vote.
  4. If an individual serves as both a DVHL Officer and a Director from any Club, that individual’s attendance at any meeting shall be considered as satisfying the Club’s requirement for attendance at the meeting.
  5. If, for any reason, a meeting has not been called by the President within two (2) weeks after being requested in writing by five (5) members of the Board of Directors, a meeting may be called under the chairmanship of the Executive Vice-President, which shall be legal and constitutional.
  6. The President shall preside at all meetings and shall form these committees and appoint such members that are necessary to carry out DVHL matters.
  7. No proxies are permitted at any meeting where a vote is to be taken for any
  8. The Annual Meeting of the league shall be held in
    1. The Secretary shall be responsible for the announcement of this meeting at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of same.
    2. The order of business at the Board of Directors meetings shall be at the discretion of the
  9. Only one individual at a meeting, either in person or virtually, may speak for the organization during debate and discussion of an issue during meetings.


  1. A quorum is necessary to conduct formal business at all
    1. A quorum for a regular meeting shall consist of representation from at least one-half (1/2) of the DVHL organizations by at least one (1) Director from each organization.
    2. A quorum for an Annual DVHL Meeting shall consist of representation from at least one-half (1/2) of the member organizations.
  2. No proxies are permitted at any meeting where a vote is to be taken for any


  1. Reading or distribution of minutes of last Annual Meeting and the previous month’s meeting.
  2. Approval of Treasurer & Financial Reports
  3. President’s Address
  4. Correspondence
  5. Officer Reports
  6. Appointees Reports
  7. Bylaw Amendments and Notices of Motion
  8. General Business
  9. Election of Officers
  10. Introduction of New Officers
  11. Approval of Membership(s)
  12. Application(s) for New Membership
  13. Adjournment


  1. No amendment or alteration shall be made to any part of this Constitution except by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast at the Annual meeting.
    1. Notice of any proposed alteration to the Constitution must be circulated to each member of the Executive Committee and each member Club at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
  2. No amendment or alteration shall be made to any part of the By-Laws except by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast at a regular Directors meeting.
    1. Notice of any proposed alteration to the By-Laws must be circulated to each member of the Executive Committee and each member Club at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting at which the voting will be conducted.
  3. Amendments to the Bylaws are effective May 1st subsequent to their approval.


Upon the dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article Third hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.


Effective May 1, 1977
Amended April 13, 1983
Amended April 12, 1989
Amended April 14, 1993
Amended April 13, 1994
Amended April 10, 1996
Amended April 9, 1997
Amended April 8, 1998
Amended April 14, 1999
Amended April 12, 2000
Amended April 11, 2002
Amended April 9, 2003
Amended April 9, 2004
Amended April 13, 2005
Amended April 8, 2009
Amended April 14, 2010
Amended April 13, 2011
Amended March 14, 2012
Amended March 13, 2013
Amended March 14, 2018
Amended March 10, 2021
Amended July 14, 2021
Amended June 15, 2022
Amended March 13, 2024


Dean Frost 1978-1981
Richard P. Byrnes 1981-1984
William H. Deihm 1984-1986
Joan Schofield 1986-1989
Thomas C. Koester 1989-1990
Harold R. Hilsher 1990-1991
Anthony M. Montagna 1991-1996
Colleen M. Marinari 1996-2021
John J. Finnigan, Jr. 2021-
The Campus Wild Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Central Penn Panthers Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Chester County Cougars Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Delaware Jr Blue Hens Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Delco Phantoms Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Delmarva Raptors Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Exton Kings Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Dyna-Mites Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Flyers Youth Ice Hockey Club
Genesis Hockey Club Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Hatfield Ice Hawks Club Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Hershey Jr Bears Club Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Lady Patriots Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Philadelphia Little Flyers Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Quakers Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Reading Jr Royals Youth Ice Hockey Club
Snider Hockey Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Susquehanna Valley Stampede Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Wilmington Nighthawks Youth Ice Hockey Club
The Wilkes-Barre Jr Pens Youth Ice Hockey Club
DVHL – Dick's Sporting Goods Coupon

Thank you to our DVHL sponsor for supporting our league!

We are appreciative to our sponsor, Dick’s Sporting Goods, for their generous support of the DVHL. Their contribution plays a pivotal role in helping our league thrive and continue providing a high-quality experience for our players and families. Thank you for your unwavering support!

The DVHL is Proudly Affiliated and Partnered with:
Mid Atlantic Hockey Alliance
Mid Atlantic Women's Hockey Association
New Jersey Youth Hockey League
Eastern Junior Elite Prospects League
Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association
USA Hockey
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