Club Code of Conduct Submission Form "*" indicates required fields Name of Organization:*Please select...Campus WildCentral Penn PanthersChester County Skating ClubDelaware Jr Blue HensDelco PhantomsDelmarva RaptorsDyna-MitesExton KingsFlyers Youth Hockey ClubGenesis Hockey ClubHatfield Ice HawksHershey Junior BearsLady PatriotsPhiladelphia Little FlyersQuakersReading Jr RoyalsSnider HockeySusquehanna Valley StampedeWilkes Barre Jr PensWilmington NighthawksTeam Division:* 18U 16U 14U 12U 10U 8U All levels 6U Level of Team:* AA A National A American B 6U How Many Code of Conducts do you have signed for this team?:*Color or # of team you are submitting for:Name of Person Submitting Form:* First Last Email Address of Person Submitting Form:* Do you have the Code of Conduct forms in your possession?:* Yes No Do you accept responsibility for this teams Code of Conduct Forms:* Yes No What is the link to your USA Hockey roster for this team so that we can confirm that you have a signed Code of Conduct for each on your roster? (Your club registrar can help you with this):*CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Player of the Week NominationStudent Of The Month NominationPlay of the Week NominationReport of Game Misconduct and/or Match Penalty FormGame Served FormPlayer Add / Delete FormPlayer Movement FormCoach Add / Delete / Move FormPlayer Advancement FormAlumni FormClub Code of Conduct FormMembership Form