Play of the Week Nomination Form Each week during the regular season organizations can nominate individual players for player of the week. This nomination is not limited to on-ice accomplishments. "*" indicates required fields Name of Organization:*Please select...Campus WildCentral Penn PanthersChester County Skating ClubDelaware Jr Blue HensDelco PhantomsDelmarva RaptorsExton KingsFlyers Youth Hockey ClubGenesis Hockey ClubHatfield Ice HawksHershey Junior BearsHuntsmenLady PatriotsPhiladelphia Little FlyersQuakersReading Jr RoyalsSnider HockeySusquehanna Valley StampedeWilkes Barre Jr PensWilmington NighthawksTeam:* 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U Division:* AA A National A American B Color or Team Number (if applicable):Date of Game(s):* MM slash DD slash YYYY Opponent:*Achievements:*Please include your player's name and jersey number in the achievement description. Media attachment: (photo, video)* Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 100 MB. Name of Individual Submitting Nomination: First Last Email of Individual Submitting Nomination:* CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Player of the Week NominationStudent Of The Month NominationPlay of the Week NominationReport of Game Misconduct and/or Match Penalty FormGame Served FormPlayer Add / Delete FormPlayer Movement FormCoach Add / Delete / Move FormPlayer Advancement FormAlumni FormClub Code of Conduct FormMembership FormClub Contact Form